Madras Chicken Curry With A Western Flare

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Serving Size: 4


2 chicken breasts

1 cup of coconut milk

2 tablespoons coriander powder

½ - 1 tsp. turmeric powder

¼ - ½  tsp. cumin powder

1 cup chicken broth or (chicken bouillons)

1 large onion, cut finely

2-4 tbsp. tomato paste

2-3 tbsp. ginger garlic paste

A pinch of mace

4 tbsp. olive oil


Extra flavoring: 3 cloves, 3 cinnamon sticks and 3 cardamoms



1.     Take a heavy bottom pot, and add oil.

2.     Add in cloves, cinnamon, cardamom and mace. Fry until you get an aroma.

3.     Add onions. Fry until onions are glossy.  

4.     Add in al the powder ingredients and ginger garlic paste. Fry for a minute.

5.     Add all the liquid stuff including the tomato paste. Bring to boil. Then add the chicken and cook for 10-15 minutes until done.
