If there's a plant that will grow indoors and is easy to care for, you can bet I either already own it or am about to! I grew up in a home where there were always plants and I guess that has stuck with me. But only now do I realize that plants may be one of the reasons that I am pretty healthy overall. Since plants purify the air, having them in one's home or office space means more cleaner and fresher air around them.
Lavender - a plant known for its calming qualities and can be grown both inside and outside.
With all of the pollution and poisonous air surrounding us today, having plants may be the key to keeping side effects from polluted air at bay. Not only that, they can be very easy on the eyes! I love placing orchids and braided plants in my home to add color and design to boring corners and windows. Buying vegetable plants or herb plants can also be useful, as they can be used in cooking, present a good aroma, and add a pop of color-for example, lavender, mint have wonderful aromas and can be used in cooking! I know that after doing some further research on plants, they will continue to be a part of my life. They make the perfect partners too- they listen, don't interrupt me when I'm speaking and live long lives!
1.) It's an air purifier
Some can even remove "formaldehyde and nitrogen oxide thats produced by fuel burning appliances" others remove "mold from air"
2.) Breathe easier
Just like humans, plants respire, taking in oxygen and releasing CO2. Some plants, like orchids and succulents do the opposite by taking in CO2 and releasing oxygen. While you enjoy their beauty, they provide fresher air, allowing you to breathe easier
3.) Sleep better
Not only do they make breathing easier, but giving off oxygen also help to improve sleep! Put a Gerbera daisy in your bedroom and you will sleep like you've never slept before!
My window
4.) Can reduce dry skin, colds, sore throats and dry coughs
Due to their photosynthesis and respiratory processes, plants release moisture into the air, increasing humidity. This in tern helps to prevent and ease dry skin, colds, sore throats, dry coughs and even respiratory problems.
5.) Increase Your Attention Span and Alertness
A study performed at The Royal College of Agriculture found that students who were in the presence of plants demonstrated 70% greater attentiveness while learning.
6.) Speed Up You Recovery
According to a study done by the Kansas State University. Compared to the patients who did not have plants in their rooms, patients with plants in their rooms had less pain, had less fatigue and anxiety, and had lower heart rates and blood pressure. A study performed by the Dutch Product Board of Horticulture found that adding plants to office environments decreases fatigue, colds, headaches, flu-like symptoms and overall sickness!
7.) Remove cigarette smoke
With the power to purify the air, plants remove pollutants resulting from cigarette smoke. One particular plant - The Peace Lily is effective in removing the smell and effects of cigarette smoke.
8.) Lonely? Get some house plants!
My African Violets!
Caring for a living organism is great therapy to reduce loneliness or depression. This is also the perfect solution to living in areas that don't allow pets!
BUT REMEMBER: Not all houseplants agree with some people. It is best to talk to your gardner or local florist about which plants are best for you!
What do you think about having plants in your home? Let us know in the comments below!