College 101: Flu Season ~ How Not To Get Sick

College campuses are not only for the students, but for the germs too. All kidding aside, it doesn’t take much to get sick while you’re off at college. Whether it’s a common cold, the flu, hepatitis,or another disease, if you are not careful, you can become ill. Falling sick while studying has its consequences too: unable to concentrate in class, slacking off with schoolwork, missing important due dates, or not doing your level best on an exam. From my experience, I can say that being sick and trying to study are two things that are hard to do at once! For more, watch the video below!


What You Don't Know About Green Tea

As I sit in front of my window on a cold Saturday morning, drinking a warm, delicious cup of green tea, I cannot help but to share with you its benefits.Green tea has magical powers that not only help you change those numbers on the weight scale, but also help you feel rejuvenated and healthy. So here are some of the amazing benefits you can gain when you drink green tea.

Weight Loss:

While it doesn't help you drop 100 lbs. in a day, or anything crazy, green tea has been shown  to burn fat and increase metabolism.


Green tea contains polyphenols (also found in fruits and vegetables), which gives green tea its anti-carcinogenic properties. Studies done by the National Cancer Institute have shown that those who drink green tea not only decrease tumor growth, but are also less likely to get cancer at all.


Green tea has been shown to help people live longer! The polyphenols also help fight free radicals, thus helping you to age beautifully. 


You can reduce the risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes by drinking green tea. For those with Diabetes, green tea can help you maintain weight, and reach a balance in glucose levels. 

Heart Disease:

Green tea helps to lower cholesterol, which decreases your risk of getting a heart attack or stroke. Already had a heart attack or stroke? Green tea can still help you! It will help your heart to recuperate faster and prevents death of cells

So now we know about the health benefits of drinking green tea, but what exactly is green tea and what makes it so good for you?

Well, let's talk about its origins. Green and black tea come from the same plant- Camellia Sinensis. Black tea is oxidized, green tea is not.

Second, green tea (like black tea) is so good for you because...drum roll contains catechins! No, catechins have nothing to do with cats. Catechins are flavinoids and antioxidants that fight the bad guys like disease. Catechins, along with other flavinoids are the reason green tea is so good for you. The more the better. To get the most out of your tea, soak the tea/tea bag for 3-5 minutes in boiling water. The longer you soak the tea/tea bag, the more flavinoids are emitted.

Now go and make yourself a warm brew of delicious and healthy green tea!


**VIDEO: Retreat At The Abbey Of Gethsemani

     The summer was our season for travel! From South Carolina, to Tennessee, to Kentucky, we saw and experienced many things! The most reflective part of our travels was in Kentucky, where we went on a retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani. To say the least, it was a very surprising experience! The grounds are spread all around the Abbey, spanning many acres of beautiful rolling hills and farmland. It includes the church, walking trails, a library, gift shop and exhibit, as well as the private areas of the monastery dedicated to the farming and daily work of the monks.

     The church was simple but still something mystical was there. Seven times a day the monks recite the Liturgy of Hours and invite the retreatants to pray with them, so that was just what we did! The first prayer was at 3:15am, and was the hardest one to attend! But nevertheless, we soldiered on to the chapel in our pajamas and sweatpants. We also saw the grave of Fr. Louis Merton, also known as Fr. Thomas Merton, a monk and author of many books on the world and religion. Fr. Merton was a Trappist monk and lived at the Abbey.

On our last day, I have to admit, I was a little sad to go, because no where have I ever felt so peaceful and so content. Being there made me realize all that I have been given and the importance in the little things! Once we were all at home, it took us a while to get over the no talking rule in the monastery - we kept whispering! It was a great reflective journey and I plan on making this a yearly tradition for my family and I! 

Let us know what you think in the comment section below! Enjoy! 

To see more of our trip, click below to watch the video! 

Update: Father's Day Vineyard and Winery Trip

    As you may know, for Father's Day, my family and I went to a winery to celebrate my dad. Let me tel you, it was one of the best father's day celebrations we had. We tasted some delicious wines paired with a platter of assorted cheeses, and took a walk through the vineyards, all while talking and remembering our favorite memories of dad. To add to the fun, we learned that this winery carried Medugorje wine. Being Catholic, we couldn't have been more surprised and excited to learn about it. We couldn't leave without trying so we tasted both their white and red wine selections which had very rich dry tastes. 


Click the image below for the video update! Enjoy! 



Live Healthier With Houseplants: 8 Reasons Houseplants Are More Than Decorations

Above is a picture of the plants in my home!

     If there's a plant that will grow indoors and is easy to care for, you can bet I either already own it or am about to! I grew up in a home where there were always plants and I guess that has stuck with me. But only now do I realize that plants may be one of the reasons that I am pretty healthy overall. Since plants purify the air, having them in one's home or office space means more cleaner and fresher air around them.

Lavender - a plant known for its calming qualities and can be grown both inside and outside.

Lavender - a plant known for its calming qualities and can be grown both inside and outside.

     With all of the pollution and poisonous air surrounding us today, having plants may be the key to keeping side effects from polluted air at bay. Not only that, they can be very easy on the eyes! I love placing orchids and braided plants in my home to add color and design to boring corners and windows. Buying vegetable plants or herb plants can also be useful, as they can be used in cooking, present a good aroma, and add a pop of color-for example, lavender, mint have wonderful aromas and can be used in cooking! I know that after doing some further research on plants, they will continue to be a part of my life. They make the perfect partners too- they listen, don't interrupt me when I'm speaking and live long lives!

1.) It's an air purifier

Some can even remove "formaldehyde and nitrogen oxide thats produced by fuel burning appliances" others remove "mold from air"

2.) Breathe easier

Just like humans, plants respire, taking in oxygen and releasing CO2. Some plants, like orchids and succulents do the opposite by taking in CO2 and releasing oxygen. While you enjoy their beauty, they provide fresher air, allowing you to breathe easier

3.) Sleep better

Not only do they make breathing easier, but giving off oxygen also help to improve sleep! Put a Gerbera daisy in your bedroom and you will sleep like you've never slept before! 

My window

My window

4.) Can reduce dry skin, colds, sore throats and dry coughs

Due to their photosynthesis and respiratory processes, plants release moisture into the air, increasing humidity. This in tern helps to prevent and ease dry skin, colds, sore throats, dry coughs and even respiratory problems. 

5.) Increase Your Attention Span and Alertness

A study performed at The Royal College of Agriculture found that students who were in the presence of plants demonstrated 70% greater attentiveness while learning. 

6.) Speed Up You Recovery

According to a study done by the Kansas State University. Compared to the patients who did not have plants in their rooms, patients with plants in their rooms had less pain, had less fatigue and anxiety, and had lower heart rates and blood pressure. A study performed by the Dutch Product Board of Horticulture found that adding plants to office environments decreases fatigue, colds, headaches, flu-like symptoms and overall sickness!

7.) Remove cigarette smoke

 With the power to purify the air, plants remove pollutants resulting from cigarette smoke. One particular plant - The Peace Lily is effective in removing the smell and effects of cigarette smoke. 

8.) Lonely? Get some house plants!

My African Violets! 

My African Violets! 

Caring for a living organism is great therapy to reduce loneliness or depression. This is also the perfect solution to living in areas that don't allow pets!

BUT REMEMBER: Not all houseplants agree with some people. It is best to talk to your gardner or local florist about which plants are best for you! 

What do you think about having plants in your home? Let us know in the comments below! 

The 5 Important Things To Always Check On Your Car (Especially In Winter)

The time of bad weather is now upon us. Winter is not a good time to have car problems, which is why I am taking my car to the dealership! This is my list of the five most important parts to check when I go to the dealership. Even though I am preparing for winter weather, these are steps that can be taken for any type of weather (especially extreme conditions like monsoons, hurricanes, or any other kind of bad weather). Preparing you car will not only save your life, but will also spare you from an unnecessary financial burden!

1. Tire Tread

Sometimes people worry so much about tire pressure that they actually forget about the tread. Folks, tire tread can be what saves you from a terrible accident. Tread is what gives your tires traction. Traction is important in any kind of weather, but most of all during slippery and wet conditions. Winter is the time of snow, slush and freezing rain and it won't be good to get stuck in inclement weather with bad tread on your tires! 

2. Lights

It is one of my pet peeves when I am driving in bad weather (not voluntarily) and I have to jam my brakes because the car in front of me didn't have working brake lights. It is even worse when they don't have working headlights...ugh. 

3. Windshield Wiper 

CHANGE. THEM. Make sure they are fully-functioning and ready to take on whatever winter may throw at it. In general, these should be changed every 3-4 months.

4. Antifreeze

Proper amounts of antifreeze will keep your car running and functioning as it should in the harsh winter weather. It lowers the freezing point and is used to prevent the water in the engine and radiator from freezing. In summer, coolant does the opposite - it increases the boiling point of the water. Antifreeze also helps to clear up the windshield! 

5. Brakes

Brakes, brakes, brakes. This is probably the most important part on your car and should be taken for regular maintenance. Malfunctioning brakes are not something you want to risk having. It makes all the difference when a car juts in front of you at the last second on an icy road. 

If you think there is anything else that should be checked, please comment below! 

 Stay warm and drive safely! 


On The Prowl...For The Best Carpet!

Hey Everyone!

   We wanted to give a special room a makeover, and so we went shopping for some pieces to accentuate and liven the room up - it was kind of an early Christmas present for our home! We didn't want to leave you guys out and so we thought we'd share a little of our trip with you! To watch, click on the image at the right! 

   I hope you all are enjoying the holidays and are merrymaking as much as you can before it's all over! What festivities have you participated in this year? What customs and traditions are in your family? Comment and tell us how you spend the holiday season! 


4 Easy Ways To Reduce Stress

The holiday season can be very stressful! Sit down, take a breather and read our 4 best ways to reduce stress: 


Ok, not everyone has the patience or the time - I get it. But this quick yoga pose has a variety of benefits, from cognitive function to flexibility!  



This is also a form of yoga (yoga is a great stress reliever!). This is like yoga for your brain. Meditating allows you to catch up with yourself, making you more self aware and mindful. 


During the winter time, you tend to eat more and drink less. Keep yourself hydrated with a nice big pot of green tea - thats what I always do!  


Believe it or not, laughing makes you feel better! By producing endorphins, your body and mind are stimulated and feel refreshed after a good laugh. So when you get home after a stressful holiday shopping trip, watch a funny video or two! 

The 4 Magical Ingredients: Coriander, Cumin, Ginger and Turmeric

CORIANDER (Coriandrum sativum)

Coriander contains two of the 11 essential oils: Cineole and linoleic acid. Both oils contain antirheumatic and antiarthritic properties, and can reduce skin swelling and inflammation. It contains disinfecting, antifungal, and detoxifying properties that help to clear skin disorders (i.e eczema). Coriander also contains acids that help to reduce LDL (the bad cholesterol) levels. Coriander stimulates the endocrine glands, thus allowing secretion of insulin into the blood. This results in better sugar absorption, which is essential for diabetics and for more effective metabolic functions


CUMIN (Cuminum Cyminum)

The aroma of cumin itself stimulates the salivary glands and contains Thymol, which aids in better food digestion. It is a carminative, and therefore relieves gas troubles. Taken with hot water, cumin can ease stomach aches and pains. Can’t sleep? Take cumin! It promotes better intake and absorption of vitamins and good digestion, reducing stress and resulting in better sleep. Cumin has an anti-congestive property that makes it the perfect remedy for respiratory disorders (i.e asthma). Cumin also contains lots of iron which increases the production of hemoglobin. When there is proper blood flow and circulation, more oxygen is able to reach the brain and other organs, leading to better function. 

GINGER (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger is good for easing nausea, loss of appetite, motion sickness and pain. Studies have shown that increasing ginger intake reduces obesity, heart disease, and diabetes risks. Ginger contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties (especially for osteoarthritis). One study showed that ginger decreased inflammation, thereby reducing the risk of colon cancer. Ginger contains an overall abundance of vitamins and minerals that aid in proper function of organs and digestion. According to a medical research study, ginger also contains a substance able to kill of cancer stem cells. To get ginger in our diet, we like to make ginger garlic paste (pictured below - stay tuned for the recipe)!

TURMERIC (Curcuma longa)

Curcumin, a component in ginger, has been shown to increase levels of BDNP, a hormone in the brain responsible for brain function. When too low, the lack of BDNP can cause brain disorders like Alzheimer’s disease. Multiple studies have also shown that turmeric contains over 600 therapeutic properties, and around 175 physiological effects on the body. It is comparable to a number of medications including Lipitor, Prosac, metformin, corticosteroids and oxaliplatin, a chemotherapy drug. According to UCLA doctors, curcumin, a component found in turmeric, blocks an enzyme that causes head and neck cancer. Curcumin is the most active ingredient in Turmeric.